Current Emergency Level: CODE ALPHA
We are the Otherborn.
Touched by another world, the powers it gave us are our greatest weapon, and darkest curse.
We are besieged on all sides, by forces from that world and our own.
Hunted by our government.
Hated by the demons.
We carve out a life for ourselves in a world going crazy around us.
I am Neku Sakuraba, leader of the Network that exists to support and protect us.
Do you have what it takes?
Join us.


Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Bulletin Board - 1 Viewing

This is a discreet bulletin board in the corner of Veil; Neku and the other Watchers put urgent messages here for the Coordinators' plans, and the Contacts spread them to their charges. (Basically, this is the admin announcement board. Any new plots go here, and rules changes will be announced here.)

11 43 Bulletin: Ascension Plot Hiatus/Message from Neku
by Neku Sakuraba
Nov 11, 2012 19:04:19 GMT -5
No New Posts The Rules

The law of the land; your very survival depends on them.

6 11 Already-Registered Otherborn/Demons
by Neku Sakuraba
Jan 3, 2012 13:27:19 GMT -5
No New Posts Registration - 1 Viewing

When a new Otherborn is discovered, or a new demon appears, this is where the information is stored. (Post your character here.)

114 500 [Plot Character] A Small Prayer
by Azazel
Feb 8, 2013 14:35:43 GMT -5
No New Posts Lore - 1 Viewing

All the lore about the OtherWorld and those who live within, around, and with it is entered here.

5 5 The Network - Function and History
by Neku Sakuraba
Oct 18, 2011 9:29:18 GMT -5
No New Posts Neku's Phone Number

A call to this line is easy and anonymous; he'll answer any questions you might have. (Ask the admins anything you want in this board; non-registered members may post here as well.)

Moderators: Neku Sakuraba, Sora Shimomura

6 37 Character making...?
by Steven Stone
Jul 5, 2012 15:58:02 GMT -5


Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Main Street - 1 Viewing

Every town's got one. There's a lotta litte kitschy shops here, if you're interested in knicknacks, and a few really interesting places if you know how to look.

Sub-board: Dante's Shop

46 1,946 Going for a "walk" [Closed]
by Xion
Dec 31, 2012 23:49:10 GMT -5
No New Posts Veil

A club owned by one of the older Otherborn, and one of the Nodes scattered about the city where we can network with others like us. A popular hangout for teens while food's being served, once midnight hits, it's adult-only. Saturday is Karaoké Night.

Sub-board: The Backroom

40 1,564 [3.1] The First Meeting
by Azazel
Mar 16, 2013 15:30:04 GMT -5
No New Posts Black Hole Stadium - 1 Viewing

An indoor amphitheater where all the local talent goes to play concerts. A popular hangout for Otherborn, as well as more normal teens.

by Roxas
Jan 14, 2013 16:01:42 GMT -5
No New Posts All-Mart - 1 Viewing

The local grocery/discount store; if you can buy it, you can probably find it here.

18 804 The Lioness, The Dragon, and The Crossing [OPEN]
by Kiara
Jan 17, 2013 8:47:30 GMT -5
No New Posts Sacred Mercy Hospital

Urbadelphia's largest (and best) hospital; some Otherborn spend a lot of time here, while others are lucky enough to never have to visit.

11 179 Waiting, Stressing, Hoping [Closed]
by Namine Joy LeBeau
Feb 19, 2013 7:28:19 GMT -5
No New Posts "The Labyrinth" - 1 Viewing

The name the Otherborn have given the back streets of Urbadelphia; graffitied and isolated, it's a favorite hunting ground of the town's gangs... and worse. Neku often goes here to work on his own "art projects".

Sub-boards: Wildkat Cafe, Scarves' Warehouse, Shade Street Apartments, Izaya's Office

65 2,992 [1.2] Time for contemplation [ANGELS]
by Kumiko
Mar 4, 2013 17:37:31 GMT -5
No New Posts City Outskirts - 1 Viewing

The semi-rural area just surrounding Urbadelphia; nice little houses continue the urban sprawl even as rural land reclaims its territory. Some areas are nice to live in, while others are more wilderness, some of the urban kind...

Sub-boards: OMW Tow & Junk, The Warehouse

40 1,272 [1.1] Divine Intervention [ANGELS]
by Ithiel
Feb 16, 2013 15:29:48 GMT -5

The Otherworld

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts The Otherworld

The world of demons; a hellish land of twisted and twisting visages, where everything seems deadly and nothing is what it seems. (If a lot of people decide to place plot settings and other roleplay here, we'll move the subboards out to their own boards. In the meantime, this is a small section.)

Sub-board: The Void

1 7 The End to The War (Jack/N/Link)
by Jack of Blades
Sept 20, 2012 9:17:47 GMT -5

Plot Settings

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts The Complex - 1 Viewing

A mysterious, official-looking secret facility located only a few miles from Urbadelphia, nestled into an overgrown forest, several acres of which are a state park. Its purpose and nature are a complete mystery.

Sub-board: ? ? ?'s Office

2 30 Confrontations {The End of Plot}
by Neku Sakuraba
Jul 27, 2012 10:50:09 GMT -5

Network Chat

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Urban Legends

A chatroom about Urban Legends, open to the public. Welcome! (If you need some mook to post info or whatever, just use a random UN, we don't really care if they don't actually show up IRL more than once or twice)

2 19 Doing the Dailies (OPEN)
by Jack of Blades
Jan 4, 2013 17:00:37 GMT -5
No New Posts Network Chat

The Network's private chatroom; the password has been sent to everyone's phones. (This is an experiment - I like Roxas' reg so much I've decided that the Network has a chatroom. All RP on the chatroom must include people talking as if in a chatroom, although you can describe what you're doing on the comp, etc.)

6 136 Hello! [ Open chat ]
by Neku Sakuraba
Feb 1, 2013 19:16:59 GMT -5


Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts What If?

If you ever wanted to do anything AU, non-canon, or just plain bizarre, do it here.

(Yes, Wresie, you finally got your wish. You happy?)

1 7 2nd Gen! [[OPEN]]
by Namine Joy LeBeau
Oct 21, 2012 12:44:06 GMT -5
No New Posts Custom Requests - 1 Viewing

Here, you can sample some of Neku and Sora's cosmic powers and art skillz from beyond the Veil. (Or not. In here are sub-boards for Avatar requests, sig requests, and title requests; posting in the main board is disabled, so go to the specific categories and post there.)

Sub-boards: Neku and Aya's Signature Chop Shop, Avatars, Custom Titles

14 96 It's in my hand.
by Xion
Sept 4, 2012 19:22:24 GMT -5
No New Posts Chat - 2 Viewing

Here's where everyone can sit around and talk for a while, without the pressure of the OtherWorld on our shoulders.

Moderator: Neku Sakuraba

Sub-board: Shameless Advertising

98 920 guys the icons...
by Ithiel
Feb 10, 2013 20:16:27 GMT -5
No New Posts Music

Music's a big part of Neku's life; how's it for you? Let us know what's playing through your 'phones.

30 216 The Joys of waking at One AM...
by Kiara
Jan 31, 2013 15:34:11 GMT -5
No New Posts Gaming - 1 Viewing

What do you do for fun when you're off the streets? Not just for video gaming, either.

14 135 You're gonna want to see this
by Aqua
Aug 20, 2012 12:14:09 GMT -5
No New Posts Movies/TV

What kind of movies/TV do you watch? Is anime more your thing, or do you like sappy romances? Share it - I'm sure there's someone else who likes it too.

5 71 Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
by Sora Shimomura
Nov 9, 2011 17:25:03 GMT -5
No New Posts Artist's Alley - 1 Viewing

Here's where the more creative people can put stuff. Even graffiti; just not on the walls. Every kind of art's welcome, here.

Sub-boards: Writings, Video Editing, Eternal Future

271 1,683 Ya Look Better When I'm Drunk
by Namine Joy LeBeau
Mar 7, 2013 0:47:58 GMT -5


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