
Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Neku and Aya's Signature Chop Shop - 1 Viewing

Ask here and Neku or Aya will set you up with a spiffy signature! They promise to do their utmost best.

Moderators: Neku Sakuraba, Aya Brea

3 41 It's in my hand.
by Xion
Sept 4, 2012 19:22:24 GMT -5
No New Posts Avatars

In this area, you can either ask for someone to make you a custom avatar, or for the staff to set your avatar on the list so it can be shown at full size. (Be careful; if we set your av to full size, you cannot scale it down; make sure that the address you give us is to a picture of the scale you want to use.)

Moderators: Neku Sakuraba, Sora Shimomura

6 37 *clears throat*
by Kiara
Aug 5, 2012 16:05:05 GMT -5
No New Posts Custom Titles - 1 Viewing

Come here if you want Sora and/or Neku to give you a lame nickname. (Just kidding; here's where you can ask to set titles up for you that will be put in place of your membergroup, like Neku's "'Phones" or Sora's "Ghost Rider")

Moderators: Neku Sakuraba, Sora Shimomura

5 18 Hey-yo!
by Sora Shimomura
Aug 21, 2012 19:56:07 GMT -5

Board Information & Statistics

Board Description
Custom Requests
Here, you can sample some of Neku and Sora's cosmic powers and art skillz from beyond the Veil. (Or not. In here are sub-boards for Avatar requests, sig requests, and title requests; posting in the main board is disabled, so go to the specific categories and post there.)
Board Statistics
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Total Posts:96
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