Post by Jack of Blades on Nov 21, 2011 18:42:05 GMT -5
Jack was sat on top of one of the buildings on the City Outskirts with Otar stood behind him. The Demon Priest had found him the other day and had been licking his boots ever since. Jack juggled three knives whilst Otar stood and watched "Mire Lauzo..." he wheezed, years of living, affecting his voice "We're on Earth, Otar..." Jack replied with a sigh "Speak English. Just one word of Voidenese could give our cover away" The decrepit Mage nodded "Sorry, my lord" he said with a bow "I've spent that long in The Void looking for you, it has become instict" Jack nodded slowly, catching his three knives. "We have a guest..." he muttered, standing up. "Good to see you once again Mr Orihara"
Post by Izaya Orihara on Nov 22, 2011 11:43:11 GMT -5
He smiled.
"As observant as ever, Lord Jack," Izaya said with a mock bow. The position of servant was one unaccustomed to him, but his kind were ever adaptable, and it was a fun part to play for the moment.
"I see that you have united once again wth your loyal servant... he was most helpful to me in planning your return."
Post by Jack of Blades on Nov 22, 2011 15:08:26 GMT -5
Otar instantly moved between the two of them but Jack simply waved him down and took a step forwards towards the demon that had released him "Settle down, Otar... This is one Izaya Orihara, the demon that freed me from my bindings, a task which if I remember correctly, you couldn't achieve?" Otar took a step back, bowing his head "Don't be too hard on yourself Otar, it is your humanity which prevented you from finding me and it is your humanity which will prove so invaluable to me in the coming months" Once again Otar nodded, accepting Jack's word as law.
"Now. Izaya." Jack continued, getting down to business, opening his palm, a small dark swirling sphere formed in it "You never told me that you'd had dealings with the Nomura boy..." he rumbled, looking down at the swirling sphere, the sample he had taken from Riku "Me and him have come to an... Agreement, if you will, he will help me regain The Void, and I will grant him the power he so desires, but obviously I am not quick to trust." He closed his palm, silencing the sphere.
"I want to know what you know about Nomura, I know of his friendship with the Ghost Rider, I've made sure to keep that as the main collateral in our little bargain, he will have the power to help his friend, that much is certain. But I want to know a bit more... How much would you be charging for the information on Riku? Hmm?"
Post by Izaya Orihara on Nov 22, 2011 17:45:44 GMT -5
Izaya grinned.
"For one such as yourself, the information is on me," he replied.
"Riku Nomura is... what you might call 'damaged goods'," he began, thinking for a moment. "His parents were killed by a rather nasty demon who then contracted Riku. In exchange for his soul, he would give Riku the power to avenge his parents' death. In exchange for servitude, he would give the young man the identity of the killer." He leaned against a wall, grinning, hands shoved in his pockets. "Obviously, he never intended to actually tell the young man, but he was an arrogant sort and so ended up revealing his identity. Unfortunately, he'd given Riku enough power to actually kill him - something that he had never realized he'd done before. Riku was a latent Otherborn and thus the powers given him only corrupted and strengthened what he already had."
He sighed. "It was a foolish mistake on the demon's part, really. Afterwards, young Nomura went searching for his friend, and, by some trick of fate or miracle or the gods, he ended up here, in Urbadelphia, where most lost souls find their way eventually."
Post by Jack of Blades on Nov 22, 2011 18:03:52 GMT -5
Jack nodded thoughtfully for a moment, the first thing to come to his mind was the fact that the information had been for free. Jack was no fool and he knew that there was a reason for such an act, either way he would have to treat the information with caution. For now however, he would play along and give the dog his treat.
"Interesting..." he muttered "Very interesting indeed... Otar!" the undead priest took a step forward and gave a small bow "Yes, my Lord?" he asked with his head hung low "I want you to go and start preparing a crossing, somewhere inconspicuous and out of the way, where that blasted Network won't catch wind of it. I'll be with you shortly with our young... Ally..." Otar swept his arms out wide in another bow before spinning in a circle, his robes spun around him and tightened, before disappearing in a gout of flames. Jack turned back to Izaya "You will be rewarded for your efforts Izaya, when all of this is done..." he turned to leave before another thought struck him.
"Actually..." he said, looking over his shoulder "Tell me, Orihara, what do you know of The Void...? It is a place that I assume will have earned quite the reputation due to it's Lord being sealed away, but I want to know what your thoughts are on the place..."
Post by Izaya Orihara on Nov 22, 2011 18:46:00 GMT -5
He laughed.
"The Void is, of course, legendary. I'm afraid I can't recite the most recent information... the King of Devils and I have had our, ah.... 'creative differences'," he replied, chuckling, "and I'm afraid I'm no longer welcome back 'home'. Yet, when I was younger, I was raised on stories of the place. The current ruler is said to be very powerful, very canny.... but these stories have nothing on the legends of the land in its heyday, when you ruled and even the Otherworld's King was reluctant to anger you..."
Post by Jack of Blades on Nov 23, 2011 2:28:34 GMT -5
Jack gritted his teeth and clenched his fists "The new leader is fucking incompetent!" he growled as small misty tendrils eminated from his sleeves before he composed himself. "Show some weakness, Jack..." he thought to himself "Let him think that he knows the one fact that gets under your skin...". He cleared his throat before turning around to face Izaya, his expression, an empty palatte, unreadable. "But you are correct" he continued "The Void of legend is not all too different from what it was under my rule, well, my rule as well as the rest of The Court..." he chuckled deeply, he had hated that the Queen and Knight of blades had been stronger than him. He had wanted full control, but that was a story for a different time.
"When all of this is said and done, you need not worry about the King anymore" he smirked "He will want me on his side when I take back The Void. It would be all too easy for me to incite Civil War and that is the last thing that he wants..." his grin widened "When The Void is mine, I shall declare you one of my most trusted allies, you will effectively be un-touchable by the King for risk of war."